Maryjane seeds are a good choice for growers looking to produce strong, healthy plants. These strains tend to have high THC levels and a large yield, so they’re ideal for producing potent buds and medicinal cannabis. In addition, they grow fast and have a tendency to be resistant to a variety of conditions. feminized .com
Seeds are small oval-shaped dried fruits that contain a subtle membrane and the embryo of a cannabis plant. The embryo contains a substance called albumen that is a nutritional reserve that keeps the seed healthy until it germinates. There is also a layer of harder material that covers the embryo and protects it. Ideally, the embryo should be stored at a constant temperature and should not be exposed to any significant changes in air pressure.
From Seed to Harvest: Maximizing Success with Your Cannabis Seed Selection
It is important to note that seeds should only be shipped if they are clearly labeled as feminized or regular. Feminized seeds are seeds that produce only female flowering cannabis plants, which are the best ones for producing potent buds. Regular seeds, on the other hand, can produce male flowers that can pollinate the female flowers, ruining the potential for a good harvest.
Depending on the seed bank, marijuana seeds are generally sold in packages or plastic bags. They can be stored for up to a year if they are kept in a dark and dry place, such as a fridge or a cool, dry cabinet. They should never be stored in the open air or anywhere else that is subject to humidity, as it will destroy any chances of germination. It is best to keep them in a sealed container to prevent contamination by insects or other contaminants.